Hello there! If you are here, we more than likely talked for a bit and you wanted to know more. Thank you for your interest in my work! Below are links to current projects:
- https://brooklynfilmcamera.com/pages/polacon-nyc – Visiting PolaCon NYC? Come check out my Big Roid & Big Wide demo on Saturday May 20th at Brooklyn Film Camera.
- https://www.patreon.com/SPRKPLG – Support me on Patreon and get access to my latest designs, drafts, and unreleased projects. Upgrade to a very affordable commercial license and sell anything you make from my designs.
- https://sprkplg.com/product-tag/big-cameras/ – Special PolaCon NYC Big Roid and Big Wide auction! Don’t miss out, these are only available once every couple of months.
- https://sprkplg.com/product-tag/lottery/ – Win a 3D printer! For the rest of May, purchase a lottery ticket to win one of two printer packages. One is more suitable for beginners, while another is already one half of a nice high speed print farm.