Beyond the Mamiya Press System

Most of you that know me know how much I love the versatility of Mamiya’s Press system. This system includes cameras such as the Super 23, and the Universal Press. Mamiya’s aim with this system was to provide an alternative to press photographers, many of which were using a Graflex of some type.

We are now in 2020, and film refuses to go quietly into the night (and even less quietly with the mirror slap of a Pentax 6×7!). It is still a fun hobby, and as digital photographers discover the magic of Medium Format resolution, these systems are gaining popularity.

Therein lies the problem.. there’s not much left of this system in terms of the fabulous lenses. For this reason, I am determined to create a solution for the near future that can utilize other similar lenses. You will be able to modify your Instax Wide 300 cameras, much like I modify mine, without being limited to the Mamiya Press system. What if the Instax Wide format is not your jam, and you are building 3D printed cameras/mods like the Cameradactyl Homonculous 69, Dora Goodman’s Goodman Zone, or the successfully funded Brancopan? You can utilize a Mamiya Press clone base to mount your favorite glass to these systems, including the much more affordable and available Mamiya TLR lenses.

These are all in the prototype phase right now as I would like to get sample images produced by these lenses before releasing for sale. More technical details will follow in the product pages for them as they are released.

I am in need of Schneider, Rodenstock, and any other Large Format lenses to measure for the correct flange focal distance. Spacers will be included to make sure you nail sharpness at infinity focus. Please contact me if you would like to help.